

I always dreamt of dying peacefully. I abhor violence that's why. I feel really sad over sudden deaths, it is like you've been robbed, of your chance to say goodbye to all your loved ones, to forgive those who have sinned against you, and to ask for forgiveness to people you have pissed off and laughed at.

Why am I so morbid? Because a while ago, I just had a brush with death. Okay, I exaggerate. I was hit by a tricycle. Right, a 3-wheeled contorted metal without any class at all. And it hit my butt! ha ha Good for me I had a great bun, the trike recoiled! I mean bounced off a few inches. But it hit me. Aww crap! I was just shocked, I wasn't able to curse the man. I just furiously pointed at the trike and at him, informing him that I've mentally memorized the body number and I'll get back at him just wait and see. But our over-friendly neighbor endowed with more than an inch long chin, made a big fuss over it. And so I had to act enraged, but i acted really dignified, no cursing, no expletives. I braved that ordeal really and I should be commended for that. I acted like a lady for once in my life!

Nah, i was just so pre-occupied. I really hope and pray that everything's gonna be alright tomorrow. Not with me, but with my sister.

But tomorrow i have to have my butt x-rayed. how's that for a Wednesday? crap.


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