
Teriyaki Boy

Location: Tomas Morato

This is located at the second floor of the forgotten resto called Pacific Wharf (which is now closed by the way). My constant companion and I of four years have trooped there a number of times before. That's why our trip there last February 14 (yes, we went out on V-day!) wasn't really exciting. But i must confess that despite it not being exciting we had tons of fun! Laughing our hearts out and getting raised eyebrows in return. I was the only lady in that group, the rest are all sumo-wrestlers hehe..ok, ok i stand corrected, with appetites of sumo-wrestlers.

AS usual we ordered the ever-favorite Chicken Teriyaki. The good thing with this resto is that they put marks in the menu to indicate the house's specialty. We also ordered lotsa tempura nevermind the cholesterol and the price! though it is still affordable at P300++ for 8 pcs. We also ordered a beef meal and finally to cap the tummy filling event we ordered...(drum roll) green tea ice cream. it was creamy and smooth and simply yummy. We paid P1200+ and since there are 5 of us it was inexpensive and within the budget.

The culmination of our group V-day date was a gift-giving ceremony from one of their staff. She gave me a chocolate on a dainty carton (since when cartons became dainty?!) with some writings on it inviting us to celebrate a Japanese event on March. Whatever. Turning back to the choclit..the friendly staff explained that it has been a tradition in Japan that the women are the ones who give chocolates to their men and they give it with a smooch. I turned red that very moment! That was just soo cheesy!!I mean kissing him in front of all those sumos? But I was saved by the lady saying that i really dont have to give it to him that day, it should be the day after. Whew! We parted ways coz we still have another eating binge to attend. And I am wondering why i cant fit myself in my jeans ....


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